Why is Generation Z so difficult to understand? Well, it is because they are a huge consumer group, who will become the biggest one during these years, and they differentiate themselves to a great extend from their predecessors – Generation Y – who were Mega-shoppers. They must be handled differently if they are to use their money in the physical shops:
● Children born right before and after year 200
● The decade where children got an independent voice in the family democracy
● Self-assertive
● Used to perform
● Brand and stage themselves - social media
● Real digital natives
● Live in social solidarities
● Shopping centres = recreational clubs
● Casual consumption decided by circumstances
● "On the go" food and beverages
● Purchases anywhere anytime
Generation Z will be more fearless and cynical in relation to shops and products, and they will be more interested in spending time together, creating products, and development in community rather than being Mega-shoppers