How your new shop becomes the new black:

How your new shop becomes the new black:

Why do people stand in line for the new iPhone? Create visual attraction, work in contrast with Why do people stand in line in order to get a free cola? Materials, illumination, and design. What do H&M do, when they launch a new Stage related products. Designer?

Create small environments in the room, room-in- room. They create a HYPE around the product.



Slow Luxury is a tendency spreading on the American market right now after a period of years with staging, the digital platforms, and the state of being ’on’ all the time and performing maximum.



Why is Generation Z so difficult to understand? Well, it is because they are a huge consumer group, who will become the biggest one during these years, and they differentiate themselves to a great extend from their predecessors – Generation Y – who were Mega-shoppers. They must be handled differently if they are to use their money in the physical shops:

Solidarity, intimacy, nature

Solidarity, intimacy, nature

In a time, where we carry our smartphones in our pockets and surround ourselves with technology, we get a naturally urge to pursue intimacy. We will need touching, solidarity, and strong relations.



Showrooming has become a distinct form of trade in this digital world. Showrooming simply means that the customers show up in the physical shop to see or try out the product, after which they go home and order the product from the internet. This is something most retailers know about, and many see it as a big threat for the turnover in the physical shops. The customers have become experts, as many check out prices and functions before making a purchase, which can either take place from home or in the shop via their smartphones.



You have to know how generations think, work, which to be lead, and not least what kind of potential these new generations represent on the labour market in the form of innovation and rethinking.

There is nothing new in young people being demanding. But there’s no doubt that they are young, and that they know they are desired both as employees and as customers.